United Women of Faith

  The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

  Any woman may become a member of the United Methodist Women if she chooses to join and to commit herself to the purpose of the organization.  Not all women of the United Methodist Church are automatically members of the UWF; however, all are welcome and encouraged to belong.  Membership is for those who wish to work for mission by participating in this organization through prayer, giving, study, action, and service.

 (UWF Handbook)

  The Madison Unit of UWF has chosen to have monthly unit meetings, monthly circle meeting, and a subordinate group called Helping Hands who give meaningful support to the Unit.

  Persons may choose to belong to the Unit only, to the Unit and a Circle, or to the Unit and Helping Hands.  Only those who are members of Circles are asked to serve as officers of the Unit.

Elected officers

President:  Joyce Welbon

Vice-President:  Yvonne Dietterle

Secretary: Barb Wilhite

Treasurer:  Carolyn Rudebusch

Program Resources: Diane Cross

Spiritual Growth:  Pat Gross

Nominations Committee:  LaDonna Callies and Yvonne Dietterle

Membership Nurture and Outreach: Sarah Hock

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